Monday, May 2, 2011

My last level

I'm in last level of foundation now.And I have to work hard to get a great mark inshaallah,,,I hop that,,
We need to do so many things like, project,presentation...
Also, now I do traning for driving lesence,I wesh I get it easily...DAWAT AL GAMEEA

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Hi every body,,,,,,,,,,,

We have a long holiday.
Allhamdollah,,I get a good mark in last exam.
I finish smester2,and I have to start smester3,on 5/2 ,I wish to pass it easy.And get a high mark.
I have to wark very hard..

Sunday, January 2, 2011

My dream

If I could be invisible for a day,I would go out my home and sit near the beach for a log time .After one hour I come back my home to play with the cat and my lettle brother some games.I would went back my kid.When I was a kid I played all the time.I could climb the mountains.Also I can swim.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Good morning every body.......

Today is a very nice.cold weather..
It's rainy ,windy and cloudy..I go out near the beach to take rest with my sister and my brother.I like the rain.
Does anyone like it??

Monday, December 27, 2010

Good morning every body.......

Today is a nice weather we have.When I wake up in my bed room I saw from the window it's rainy.
I feel very happy.Every body go out ,some of them walk.I will go out now near the beach..
Do you like the rain?
Would you like to go with me?
Hahahahahahahah.....see you....Byyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy